Equestrian Centre

Rescuing horses, donkeys, and farm animals in despair.

About our Equine Centre

The Wet Nose Equestrian Centre is a new Unit of Wet Nose Animal Rescue Centre, brought about by the necessity of rescuing horses, donkeys, and farm animals in despair.

Wet Nose started rescuing suffering horses in 2017, with a few paddocks, a small stable, and a dream to help equestrians in dire need of rescue.

In October 2019, we were finally able to start our very own Equine Rescue Centre with an expanded stable yard and improved facilities for our rescues. Using our new facility, we can take better care of our animals as well as generate some of the much-needed income for our rescues. Join us on our rescue mission and support these ventures. In so doing you will be helping us to continue rescuing animals in despair for many years to come.

Since its opening, the Equine Centre has re-homed more than 100 rescue horses. By donating to the Equine Centre or sponsoring a stable you help Wet Nose to pay for:

  • Shavings that are used for horse bedding.
  • Concentrate and bails of hay for feed.
  • Regular Farrier and Dentist checkups.
  • Medical expenses for minor injuries like cuts or scrapes, bandaging, and medical products like tic grease and fly spray.

One Time Donation

Kennel/Stable Sponsor

MySchool Card

Wills & Estates

Do you need to train with your horse for all the shows but don't have the correct facilities?

We have the answer for you!

You can now book our facilities for an hour or more to train with your horse – individually or in groups!

We have the following facilities available:

  • Indoor Arena
  • Jumping Arena
  • Dressage Arena
  • We also have some jumps available and barrels.